Extended Producer Responsibility

As a wholesale packaging supplier, we are required by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) to provide information about the categories our customers belong to under the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation.

The EPR categorisation is based on the size of your organisation and falls into one of two categories: Large Organisations and Small Organisations.

Large Organisations:
Organizations will be subject to full obligations under these regulations if they meet or exceed the following criteria:
– An annual turnover of £2 million or more.
– Supplying 50 tonnes or more of packaging to the UK market per year.

Small Organisations:
Smaller businesses will have obligations triggered by a lower threshold, which includes:
– An annual turnover of £1 million or more.
– Supplying 25 tonnes or more of packaging to the UK market per year.

Please fill in the form below:

Large: Turnover of £2 million or more p.a. AND 50 tonnes or more of packaging supplied into the UK market p.a.

Small: Turnover of £1 million or more p.a. AND 25 tonnes or more of packaging supplied into the UK market p.a.

Read our Blog article for more information on the EPR legistlation.

For further guidance, please visit the Gov.uk website page: Extended producer responsibility for packaging: who is affected and what to do.